No data available
This status is based on the latest sample. Swim Guide - Main updates the status of this beach as soon as test results become available. .
Janes Island is sampled Monthly from May 26th to September 1st
Maryland’s Beaches Program is administered by Maryland Department of the Environment. Local health departments are responsible for monitoring and notifying the public about the health of Maryland’s beaches. Maryland’s beach season runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Some beaches are tested weekly, others are sampled monthly. In marine or estuarine water, samples are tested for enterococci (a microorganism associated with fecal matter). At coastal beaches, advisories are issued if the running geometric mean at a site over a 30-day period exceeds 35 mpn or if a single sample exceeds 104 mpn. Maryland Healthy Beaches notification system has partnered with Google Earth to send updates. You can download the Notification system here Email and text message alerts are also available.
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