Passed water quality tests 60-95% of the time
This status is based on the latest sample, take on August 2nd, 2024 Midcoast Conservancy updates the status of this beach as soon as test results become available. These results were posted to Swim Guide on August 2nd at 14:30.
Damariscotta Lake State Park is sampled Weekly from June 1st to September 4th
Midcoast Conservancy monitors Damariscotta Lake from Memorial Day to Labor Day for fecal bacteria in order to provide risk assessment information for swimmers during the summer season. Sites are listed as failing to meet water quality standards if they surpass the U.S. EPA’s Beach Action Value (BAV) for freshwater E.Coli of 190 Colony Forming Units (CFUs) / 100 mL. A site failing to meet standards indicates a higher risk of illness for swimmers. Please keep in mind that E.Coli levels can change rapidly and are subject to increase after rain events. Samples are taken on Thursdays and results are available 24 hours later. On Fridays results will be posted on the Damariscotta Lake Watch Facebook/Instagram as well as Swim Guide. Please contact the Midcoast Conservancy Damariscotta Lake Watershed Manager at if you have any questions.
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