Blue Flag
This site has been issued a Blue Flag status for the current swimming season. This status does not indicate current water quality. Check the beach Source Information section for more details.
Not sampled
We would like to give you some information aboutour beach ?Chanioti 3?.It is situated directly in frontof the hotel Grecotel Pella Beach. It is a resortsandy beach. A five-member team is responsiblefor its cleanliness three times a week. Morespecifically, the beach ?Chanioti 3? is cleaned everyMonday, Wednesday and Friday while there is anadditional daily cleaning program.There are threeshowers along the beach. All the visitors may usethem for their needs. There are four WCs (two forwomen and two for men. There are no chemicalWCs). There are also all the necessary signs forthe guests? information. Our beach ?Chanioti3? isequipped with life guard means (life jackets,whistle, rope, oxygen, binoculars and burner (gasjet) . Responsible life guard is Mr. EvaggelosGaras. Mr. Garas is also responsible for the watersports which are situated on the beach.Peoplewith special needs have an easy access to thebeach since the construction of the relative rampwas foreseen. However, there are no toilets fortheir needs.As far as it concerns theEnvironmental Activities, the High School of thearea visited the hotel Grecotel Pella Beach earlyJune. A presentation for the hotel EnvironmentalActivities and the Institution of the Blue Flag tookplace. After the presentation, pupils expressedtheir questions and concerns in a discussion withthe General Manager and the environmental teamof the hotel.There was also a second presentationfor the Institution of the Blue Flag to the hotelguests in a special organized occasion.
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