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Vigilantes de Bahía Magdalena / Magdalena Baykeeper

Magdelena Baykeeper was founded in 2005 and has been a long-time affiliate of Swim Guide. Vigilantes de Bahía Magdalena / Magdalena Baykeeper maintain water quality information for about a dozen beaches in Bahia Magdalena, Mexico in the municipality of Comondú. Magdelena Baykeeper is part of the larger Coalicion por el Agua, Baja California Sur, which consists of 5 not-for-profit organizations in Baja California Sur, Mexico.

website: https://vigilantesdebahiamagdalena.wordpress.com/

Email: magdalenabaykeeper@hotmail.com or jusol23@hotmail.com

Phone: 52.613.1360548

Facebook : @VigilantesDeLaBahiaMagdalena

Address: Calle Puerto Juárez e / Puerto La Paz y Pto.. Acalpuco Col. Centro, C.P: 23740

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