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Klamath Riverkeeper

Klamath Riverkeeper is a water leader and Swim Guide champion that works through diverse programs to achieve swimmable, drinkable, fishable waters. Some of their flagship programs include Un-dam the Klamath River, a clean water initiative, and efforts to increase water flows for fish in all Klamath River tributaries. The organization works closely with the community and stakeholders to reach their goals. Two of their major accomplishments were the successful stakeholder agreement to un-dam and restore the Klamath River in 2010 and the defeat of a dangerous endangered species program on the Scott and Shasta Rivers.

phone: +1 530-627-3311

email: info@klamathriver.org

facebook: facebook.com/klamathriverkeeper

twitter: twitter.com/klamathriver

Address:  38150 State Highway 96, Orleans, CA

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