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Puget Soundkeeper Alliance

Since 1984, Puget Soundkeeper Alliance has worked as a legal, environmental, and educational voice to protect their watershed. Through volunteer cleanups, outreach, and advocacy, the Alliance has achieved a number of impressive milestones: the removal of more than 125,000 pounds of marine debris from Puget Sound waterways; more than 1500 patrols of the Sound completed; and the setting of national president for industrial stormwater treatment. With more than 90 sites in the Swim Guide being updated daily throughout the summer months, Puget Soundkeeper Alliance is a champion of recreational water quality and public education.

phone: +1 (206) 297-7002

email: psa@pugetsoundkeeper.org

website: www.pugetsoundkeeper.org

facebook: facebook.com/pugetsoundkeeper

twitter: twitter.com/PugetSKeeper

address: 130 Nickerson St #107, Seattle, WA 98109

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