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Santa Barbara Channelkeeper

Santa Barbara Channelkeeper is a grassroots, not-for-profit organization working to protect and restore the Santa Barbara Channel. They achieve their mission through science-based advocacy, education, field work, and enforcement. Through the Swim Guide, in which they update status for local beaches year round, the Channelkeeper has helped to protect beachgoers from contaminated water. Some of the Channelkeeper’s major accomplishments include effectively compelling the City and local clubs and organizations to reduce their impact on local waterbodies; taking over water quality monitoring at local beaches to ensure the longevity of the program; and playing a lead role in the development of the creation of a network of Marine Protected Areas along the California coast.

phone: +1 805-563-3377

email: info@sbck.org

website: www.sbck.org

facebook: www.facebook.com/SBChannelkeeper

address: 714 Bond Ave, Santa Barbara, CA 93103

¿Has notado contaminación en tu playa local? Haznos saber.