No data available
This status is based on the latest sample. Chattahoochee River Conservancy updates the status of this beach as soon as test results become available. .
Lake Oliver Marina is sampled Weekly from May 22nd to September 1st
Chattahoochee River Conservancy staff and volunteers monitor water quality at various sites throughout the region. Sampling season starts a week prior to Memorial Day and ends the week following Labor Day. Water is sampled for Escherichia coli (E. coli) at all sites. Chattahoochee River Conservancy utilizes the standardized state criteria of 235 E. coli/100 ml for collecting and analyzing water samples. Test results are expressed as Most Probable Number (MPN) of E. coli Colony Forming Units (CFU) per 100 mL. Water samples are collected weekly on Thursdays, with data available Friday mid morning. Results will be communicated through the Swim Guide app and will be posted on Chattahoochee River Conservancy's social media sites at noon, including Facebook and Instagram. They are also available by calling Chattahoochee River Conservancy at (706) 649-2326. To report an issue, email: Advisories are issued when the latest sample results indicate the site is unsafe for swimming. A site is determined to be unsafe for swimming if E. coli values exceed the state criteria of 235MPN/100mL.. These sites will be represented by a “red” status. A “green” status will be issued when the latest sample result has less than or equal to 235 MPN/100 mL, and therefore meets state criteria. A "grey" status will be issued when there are no current results or no data available for that area. DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this website is for informational purposes only. All sites monitored are natural waterbodies and contaminants are present from a wide variety of sources! Local conditions fluctuate, sometimes dramatically, and especially after rainfall events. The results displayed above are only representative of the exact time, date and location at which the sample was taken and do not represent the water quality between sampling events or at other locations nearby on the river. Users of this data should not assume that a “low” E. coli level means that it is necessarily safe or risk-free to make contact with the water. Fecal Coliform is not the only contaminant of concern for recreational users, and is used merely as an indicator of potential E. coli contamination. Chattahoochee River Conservancy, their employees, and agents can provide no guarantee of water safety and, as such, the user assumes all risks associated with the use of this data and swimming in the Chattahoochee River. SWIM AT YOUR OWN RISK!
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