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This status is based on the latest sample. Swim Guide - Main updates the status of this beach as soon as test results become available. .
Kisumu Beach Resort is sampled Bi-Weekly from December 12th to August 31st
Ecofinder Kenya monitor the water sites in and surrounding the community of Dunga. Our sampling season is year round due to water resources being used year round. Currently, we are testing for E. coli at all sites. As our operations expand, we plan on moving into basic water chemistry such as pH, DO, TDS, etc. Ecofinder Kenya utilizes recreational water standards utilized by the United States of 235 E. coli/100 ml. We express our results in number of colony forming units (CFUs) per 100 ml. We collect samples weekly and post our results as soon as our samples have undergone the proper time period of incubation. Our results are then posted via Swim Guide. Results can also be obtained by contacting us at Beaches are marked green if they fall below 235 E. coli/100 ml, red if they are at or above 235 E. coli/100ml, and grey if we have not tested the area yet.
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