New Jersey

Beaches in New Jersey

Keep your distance from other people

Practicing social distancing is still essential. Only go to the beach if you are able to keep 6 feet or 2 meters away from others. Follow the instructions provided by your local health authorities. If your community has asked that you remain indoors and away from others, do so. Spending a day in any crowded place is the worst thing we can do for our most vulnerable right now and will counter our efforts to curb the virus’s spread. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ First thoughts of beaches in New Jersey call to mind the Jersey Shore, crowded with summer-loving locals and framed with lively boardwalks. The Jersey Shore is the entirety of New Jersey's 227km Atlantic coastline. You can find just about any type of beach adventure in New Jersey. Beach Haven on Long Island and Sea Girt offer quiet and secluded beach excursions. Ocean City is everything you could ask for in an East Coast boardwalk. Wildwoods Beach is a collective of family friendly, white sandy beaches and an amusement park. In the fall, surfers can find some powerful waves around Manasquan Inlet or at Broadway Beach in Cape May. The great thing about New Jersey beaches is that with great popularity comes easy access. You will have no trouble getting to, and enjoying, the Jersey Shore. New Jersey has one of the oldest recreational water quality testing programs in the country. You can also have confidence that when there are water quality issues, advisories are well publicized.

¿Has notado contaminación en tu playa local? Haznos saber.