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Kenya Lake Victoria Waterkeeper / Ecofinder Kenya

The Kenya Lake Victoria Waterkeeper is a member of the Waterkeeper Alliance and its mandate is to mobilize individuals, groups, institutions and companies to enable the implementation of activities that will lead to a more fishable, swimmable and drinkable Lake Victoria.

It works under the umbrella of the Waterkeeper Alliance which is a global movement uniting more than 230 Waterkeeper organizations around the world, focusing citizen advocacy on issues that affect their local waterways, from pollution to climate change.

Ecofinder Kenya is the not for profit organization in which Kenya Lake Victoria Waterkeeper is housed and it is committed to the promotion of Lake Victoria communities’ participation in ameliorating their environment, livelihood and health. Ecofinder Kenya’s advocacy work has resulted in the involvement of locals and other stakeholders in conservation of Lake Victoria and its Wetlands. This work is what Ecofinder Kenya wants to advance through the Kenya Lake Victoria Waterkeeper initiative.

email: ecofinder@yahoo.com
website: ecofinderkenya.org/waterkeeper
facebook: www.facebook.com/KenyaLakeVictoriaWaterkeeper

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