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Re-imagining Atlantic Harbours for 2050 League

Re-Imagining Atlantic Harbours for 2050 (RAH 2050) League have an interactive water-quality testing station and interpretive panel along the Halifax harbourfront. The panel features a map showcasing the harbour, its eight watersheds, and the urban environment as one marine ecosystem with historic and ecological value. The goal is to highlight basic water-quality parameters necessary for swimmable, drinkable, fishable harbours, and help locals and visitors use and interpret interactive water-sampling devices, providing hands-on engagement with the Halifax harbour.

Kelly Schnare, Program Manager, and a group of core individuals have been developing RAH2050 since 2015. “The program aims to give locals and visitors an interactive way to learn about the Halifax harbour as a living marine ecosystem and to empower them as citizen scientists”. Halifax Water, Halifax Waterfront Development, Department of Fisheries, Ocean Viewer, and Watermark Project have helped grow this pilot initiative through financial and consultative support and collaboration.

Website: www.RAH2050.ca

Facebook: @rah2050

Twitter: #RAH2050

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