Passed water quality tests 60-95% of the time
This status is based on the latest sample, take on September 26th, 2024 Youghiogheny Riverkeeper/Mountain Watershed Association updates the status of this beach as soon as test results become available. These results were posted to Swim Guide on September 26th at 09:30.
Humbert Covered Bridge is sampled Weekly from May 1st to September 30th
The Youghiogheny Riverkeeper is a program of the Mountain Watershed Association, and was created to be the public advocate for the Youghiogheny River. Through grassroots efforts, the Riverkeeper defends against pollution, improves water quality, and conserves the ecological character and integrity of the entire region. Mountain Watershed Association will be testing popular swimming, wading, and paddling spots for E. coli so that users can make informed decisions about where to safely recreate! E. coli, and in particular one strain called O157:H7, is an emerging cause of foodborne and waterborne illness. Our program follows the US EPA standards for recreational primary contact. That standard states that surface waters should not exceed an E. coli level of 126 MPN/100mL on an average. A beach is marked Green when a sample results do not exceed this criteria. A beach is marked Red when a sample exceeds this criteria. A beach is marked Grey when there is no current or reliable water quality information. Beaches and other designated swimming locations are tested regularly, but areas not designated for swimming (swimming holes, locations along the river) are often not. Most streams in the region will have some measurable level of E. coli, however, by limiting your contact recreation to areas with lower levels you can greatly reduce your risk of water-borne illness. Throughout the swim season, May 1 to September 30, MWA will take weekly water samples in the Youghiogheny River watershed extending from the mouth of the Yough at McKeesport upstream to Confluence and at several locations on tributaries. All of this data is easily accessible and updated every Friday on MWA’s website, and at Finally, you can sign up for text alerts to be notified when new data are made available. Text “YoughSwimmableWaters” (no spaces) to 84483 to subscribe (data and messaging rates may apply)!
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