No data available
This status is based on the latest sample. Swim Guide - Main updates the status of this beach as soon as test results become available. .
Hempstead Harbor Beach Park is sampled Other from May 1st to September 1st
Tier I beaches will generally be sampled twice per week with a minimum of one sample per week. Tier II beaches will generally be sampled five times per thirty-day period with a minimum of one sample per week. Tier III beaches will be sampled a minimum of twice per 30-day period. Additional sampling is conducted if a beach exceeds water quality standards, if sanitary waste is discharged into the water, after a beach closure is lifted, and after a significant rain event. Results are recorded on the beach hotline: 516-227-9700 (Press 1) and a press release is issued by the county when advisories are issued. Swim Guide checks for the latest information daily during the monitoring season. A freshwater beach is marked Green test results show E. coli counts below 235 / 100 ml and when the geometric mean of 5 samples collected over a 30-day period is below 126 E.coli / 100ml. A marine beach is marked Green when a single sample of Enterococci are below 105 and when the geometric mean is below 35. A freshwater beach is marked Red when a single sample exceeds 235 E. coli / 100 ml or when the geometric mean of 5 samples collected over a 30-day period exceeds 126 E. coli / 100 ml. A marine beach is marked Red when a single sample of Enterococci exceeds 105 or when the geometric mean exceeds 35. A beach is marked Grey when there is no recent or reliable monitoring information available.
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