No data available
This status is based on the latest sample. Swim Guide - Main updates the status of this beach as soon as test results become available. .
Hammonasset Beach State Park is sampled Weekly from May 15th to September 15th
Special note: Data on Swim Guide corresponds with the date that samples were collected. However, sample dates are unavailable for Connecticut State beaches at this time. Please note that for Connection the data entry date corresponds with the date samples became available, rather than the date that samples became available. The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection monitors water quality at state-owned and managed beaches. The DEEP collects samples 1 - 2 times / week from the week before Memorial Day through to Labor Day and shares the information on its website or through its hotline: 1-866-CTPARKS (1-866-287-2757). On weekends, only the hotline is updated. Swim Guide checks for the latest information daily, Monday - Friday during the peak swimming season. Marine beaches are marked Green when single sample results show Enterococci counts below 104 cfu / 100ml of water or when the geometric mean of 5 samples collected within a 30 day period are fewer than 35 MPN (Most Probable Number) colonies of Enterococci per 100 ml of water. Freshwater beaches will be marked green when test results show E. coli levels are below 235 units / 100 ml of water and when the geometric mean of 5 samples collected within a 30 day period is below 126 units of E. coli / 100ml Marine beaches are marked Red when single sample results show Enterococci counts above 104 cfu/ 100 ml of water or when the geometric mean of 5 samples collected within a 30 day period is greater than 35 MPN of Enterococci / 100 ml of water. Freshwater beaches are marked Red when single sample results show E.coli levels above 235 units/100ml or when the geometric mean of 5 samples collected within a 30 day period is above 126 units of E.coli / 100ml. A beach is marked Grey when there is no current or reliable monitoring information available.
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