No data available
This status is based on the latest sample. Swim Guide - Main updates the status of this beach as soon as test results become available. .
Kennebunk: Mothers Beach is sampled Weekly from June 3rd to September 7th
The Maine Healthy Beaches program is managed by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and coordinated by the University of Maine Cooperative Extension. Monitoring of coastal beaches is conducted by local staff and volunteers and the decision to post the beach is the responsibility of local municipalities and parks. See the beach description for more information including how to contact the local beach management entity. Monitoring results and advisories are posted on the Maine Healthy Beaches website. Advisory and closure notices are also posted at major beach access points and/or at lifeguard stands. Most beaches in the program are tested weekly on either Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. However some beaches with a high risk of pollution are tested two to three times a week, and beaches with a low risk of pollution are sampled every two weeks. The monitoring season runs between Memorial Day and until the week after Labor Day. However monitoring can begin as early as April. If a sample exceeds water quality standards it is retested and an advisory is issued. The Healthy Beaches Program also uses a Risk Assessment Matrix to determine the likelihood of pollution, local rainfall levels and other conditions when deciding whether or not to post a beach. When it rains heavily, contaminants are transported to the shoreline from both riverine and stormwater discharges. Therefore, as a precaution many beaches post advisories after local rain events. Swim Guide checks Maine's Healthy Beaches website Monday to Friday for updates. A beach is marked Green when Enterococcus is below 104 units /100 ml of water. A beach is marked Red when Enterococcus is above 104 units /100 ml of water. A beach is marked Grey when there is no current or reliable data available.
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