No data available
This status is based on the latest sample. Swim Guide - Main updates the status of this beach as soon as test results become available. .
Ocean Beach at Paceco St is sampled Other from January 1st to December 31st
San Francisco Shoreline Beach Monitoring Program is a cooperative effort between Public Health Utilities Commission and the SanFrancisco Department of Public Health. Samples are collected year round, on a weekly basis for many beaches, however this beach is not routinely sampled. When sampled, it is tested for 3 different bacterial indicators. Levels of total coliform, E.coli and enterococcus are analyzed by the quanti-tray method. Results are posted 18 - 24 hours after the samples are received by the laboratory. Health officials proactively notify the public and post and de-post beaches based upon preliminary results. Signs are posted at the beach in accordance with California standards and when a Combined Sewer System discharge occurs. Daily testing will occur and postings will remain until the discharge ceases and all bacteria levels drop below the following standards. The standards for indicator bacteria are as follows: Total Coliform > 10,000 MPN (Most Probable Number) / 100 ml of water E.coli > 400 MPN / 100 ml Enterocococcus > 104 MPN / 100 ml A beach is marked Green when the levels of 2 or more types of indicator bacteria are less than state standards. A beach is marked Red when the levels of more than one type of indicator bacteria at a single station are above state standards or when one or more indicator bacteria levels exceed at each of two linked stations. If one or more of the indicator bacteria levels are above the state standard in a repeat sample the beach will remain posted until all 3 indicators are below state standards. A beach is marked Grey when there is no current or reliable monitoring information available. Swim Guide checks daily for the latest results. Swimmers are encouraged to stay out of the water during heavy rainfall and up to 48 hours after.
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