No data available
This status is based on the latest sample. Swim Drink Fish - Victoria Hub updates the status of this beach as soon as test results become available. .
Bazan Bay is sampled Bi-Weekly from June 1st to September 30th
Approximately 100 beaches are monitored by Island Health (Vancouver Island Health Authority). Island Health is split into three service delivery areas: North (20 beaches), Central (39 beaches), and South (40 beaches). Sampling is conducted from the beginning of May until Labour Day (September 4th, 2017). Island Health follows the Canadian Recreational Water Guidelines. E. Coli Guidelines 200 E. coli / 100 mL – geometric mean (usually 5 samples) 400 E. coli / 100 mL – single sample maximum Beaches are automatically posted when a sample result exceeds 1000 E. coli / 100 mL. Island Health states that consideration is given to posting a beach advisory when the geometric mean exceeds 200 E. coli / 100 mL or a single results exceeds 400 E. coli / 100 mL. However, posting a beach advisory when samples exceed the geomean and/or single sample maximums are not automatic, and depend on the circumstances. Enterococci Guidelines 35 enterococci / 100 mL – geometric mean at least 5 samples 70 enterococci / 100 mL – single sample maximum Beaches are automatically posted when a sample result exceeds 175 Enterococci/ 100 mL. Consideration is given to posting a beach advisory when the geometric mean exceeds 35 Enterococci / 100 mL or a single results exceeds 70 Enterococci / 100 mL. Beach advisories will be automatically posted when a sample result of over 1000 E. coli or 175 Enterococci per sample is received, as studies indicate there is an elevated risk associated with these bacterial levels.
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