Passed water quality tests 60-95% of the time
This status is based on the latest sample, take on August 29th, 2024 Catawba Riverkeeper Foundation updates the status of this beach as soon as test results become available. These results were posted to Swim Guide on August 30th at 15:45.
Lake Norman - McCrary Creek Small Island is sampled Weekly from May 23rd to August 29th
Catawba Riverkeeper Foundation (CRF) staff, interns, and volunteers monitor water quality at sites in this region. Sampling season starts Memorial Day Weekend and ends Labor Day Weekend. Water at all sites is sampled for E. coli and turbidity. Basic water chemistry (pH, DO, temp, conductivity) is monitored at some sites. CRF utilizes the standardized EPA criteria of 235 E.coli/100 ml for collecting and analyzing water samples. High levels of E. coli indicate a health risk for people swimming in the water. Samples are collected on Wednesday or Thursday each week, and results are posted on Thursday or Friday. This sample data provides a general guide to the health of the waterway and should only be used for informational purposes. This data does not guarantee the sampled area is safe for swimming at all times. Overall, E. coli levels in the Catawba lakes are low, and the reservoirs are typically safe for swimming. However, E. coli levels can change at any time and increase after rain events. As a general rule, if the water is clear, then E. coli levels are likely to be low. Please contact the Catawba Riverkeeper at if you have questions. Please also contact us if you would like to volunteer to take water samples. A beach is marked Green when single sample results are under 235 E.coli / 100 ML water. A beach is marked Red when the results are equal to or above 235 E.coli / 100 ML water. A beach is marked Grey when there are no current results or there is no available information.
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