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EcoAlianza de Loreto AC/ Loreto Coastkeeper

EcoAlianza de Loreto AC/Loreto Coastkeeper believes that all residents and tourists of Loreto must work together for the health of the watershed. Their programs are based on bilingual outreach and collaboration with other non-profits. Loreto Coastkeeper is part of the Coalicion por el Agua, Baja California Sur, which consists of 5 not-for-profit organizations in Baja California Sur, Mexico.

phone: +52 613 135 1907 Ext 510

email: lck@ecoalianzaloreto.org

website: ecoalianzaloreto.org

facebook: facebook.com/LoretoCoastkeeper

twitter: twitter.com/EcoAlianzaLTO

address: Miguel Hidalgo S/N Loc. 3, Colonia Centro, Loreto –Baja California Sur, CP 23880, Mexico

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