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Swim Wild Squamish


We are a not-for-profit masters (19+) club dedicated to swimming outdoors in Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) and the Sea to Sky. Whether you’re a casual dipper, an open-water newbie, a seasoned channel swimmer, or a cold water lover, this club is all about bringing people together to enjoy swimming wild.


According to our constitution, the purposes of the club are to:

  • Explore and recreate in the oceans, rivers, and lakes of British Columbia
  • Provide swim meetups, programs, social events, meetings, and other services to members and the public
  • Protect the oceans, rivers and lakes of British Columbia and promote responsible, sustainable public access to and use of them, and,
  • Promote water and swimming safety


Swim Wild Squamish is a not-for-profit masters (19+) swim club for folks who want to swim outside the pool in the local rivers, lakes, and oceans. Whether you’re a casual dipper, an open-water newbie, a seasoned channel swimmer, or a cold-water lover, this club is all about bringing people together to enjoy swimming wild.


We swim safely

Wild swimming can be incredibly enjoyable, but it’s not without risk. We know that we are each responsible for assessing the level of danger, seriousness, or commitment, and we will swim within our own abilities. We are better together, and use the club to look out for each other so that everyone returns to the shoreline safely.

Stewardship is our responsibility

We recognize that we swim within the unceded and occupied traditional territory of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation). We believe that we have the responsibility to protect these lands and waters for future generations to enjoy the same way we do.

All swimmers are welcome

We believe all swimmers are worthy. We do not discriminate on the basis of sex or gender, sexuality, religion, age, race or colour, ability or disability, physical or mental health status, financial status, appearance, or body type or composition. As the club grows, we hope to broaden our capabilities to provide opportunities for learning swimmers, swimmers with disabilities, and minors. 

We swim because we love it

We are here because we love to swim. If you are aiming for a certain distance, time, event, or competition, we are excited for you. We are also excited for you if you enjoyed your quick dip on the way home from work. Neither is better than the other, and both are swimming wild. 

We are transparent

As a member-funded non-profit, this club is run by members and for members. Want to see our financials? Read our meeting minutes? Just ask. Respecting our privacy policy for membership information, we’ll happily share any of these incredibly dry details with you anytime.

email: info@swimwildsquamish.com

website: swimwildsquamish.com

facebook: www.facebook.com/swimwildsquamish

Instagram: @swimwildsquamish

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