Passed water quality tests 60-95% of the time
This status is based on the latest sample, take on September 11th, 2024 Rogue Riverkeeper updates the status of this beach as soon as test results become available. These results were posted to Swim Guide on September 14th at 11:32.
Granite St. Swimming Reservoir, Lithia Park, Ashland is sampled Weekly from June 5th to September 25th
Water samples are collected by City of Ashland employees and analyzed through the Neilson Research Corporation based out of Medford, OR. Results are then shared with the Rogue Riverkeeper to be posted to this page so you will know when it is safe (or unsafe) to swim! Oregon State criteria for whether a water sample meets the water quality standard for contact is an E. coli result of 406 MPN/100mL per sample or less. The results are considered valid for 7 days. Results based on the Oregon water quality criteria of 406 MPN/100mL are organized as follows: GREEN = a single sample is below the Oregon water quality criteria for water contact RED = a single sample exceeds the Oregon water quality criteria.. People and pets should not be recreating in sites labeled red as bacteria levels are considered unsafe for human contact. GREY = a site with no current data available. Always use your best judgement when recreating in or near waterways. Pay attention to odd smells, colors, water quality, etc and report anything that looks out of the ordinary. Be safe, have fun, and thank you for protecting the Rogue!
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