Passed water quality tests 60-95% of the time
This status is based on the latest sample, take on August 29th, 2024 ShoreRivers updates the status of this beach as soon as test results become available. These results were posted to Swim Guide on August 30th at 13:10.
Easton Point is sampled Weekly from May 25th to August 31st
ShoreRivers monitors water quality at sites in this region. Sampling Season starts Memorial Day Weekend and ends Labor Day Weekend with samples taken weekly thought this time. ShoreRivers utilizes the standardized EPA criteria of 104 cfu/100 ml for collecting and analyzing a single water sample, and 35 cfu/100 ml for the geometric mean calculated from multiple samples. Results are posted as soon as lab results are available or by close of business on Friday of each week. Results will be communicated through the swim guide app. and the Choptank and Miles and Wye Riverkeeper Facebook and Instagram accounts. Results tables are available by email or by calling ShoreRivers at 443 385 0511. A beach is marked Green when single sample results are under 104 Enterococcus / 100 ML water, and the geometric mean of multiple samples is under 35 cfu/100 ml. A beach is marked Red when the results are equal to or above 104 Enterococcus / 100 ML water, and the geometric mean of multiple samples is equal to or above 35 cfu/100 ml. A beach is marked Grey when there are no current results or there is no available information.
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