Passed water quality tests at least 95% of the time
This status is based on the latest sample, take on August 23rd, 2024 Assateague Coastal Trust updates the status of this beach as soon as test results become available. These results were posted to Swim Guide on August 23rd at 16:50.
Assateague State Park Concession Stand is sampled Weekly from May 20th to September 15th
Worcester County Environmental Programs samples ocean side beaches in Worcester County weekly from May - September. Samples are tested for enterococcus bacteria. Results are posted to the county's website at A running geometric mean of each site, using a minimum of 5 samples taken over a 30-day period, is calculated. For enterococcus, the geometric mean should not exceed 35 organisms per 100 ml (35 MPN), with no single sample exceeding 104 organisms per 100 ml. Enterococcus serves as the sole indicator for evaluating water quality and determining beach advisories. An advisory is issued for a sampling site, if bacterial levels exceed the above state standards.
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