Passed water quality tests 60-95% of the time
This status is based on the latest sample, take on January 26th, 2025 Surfrider Foundation - O'ahu Chapter updates the status of this beach as soon as test results become available. These results were posted to Swim Guide on January 28th at 00:58.
Magic Island Canoe Launch is sampled Bi-Weekly from January 1st to December 31st
Marine water samples are collected and tested bi-weekly (every other Sunday) by dedicated Surfrider volunteer scientists all year long. Samples are tested for Enterococcus, a fecal indicator that reflects human waste and harmful pathogens in the water. Surfrider Foundation follows the Hawai?i Department of Health protocol for Enterococcus, labeling all samples over 130 MPN/100ml red, as a health hazard for the public. Samples testing 36-130 MPN/100ml have medium bacteria levels and are labeled orange. Samples testing under 36 MPN/100ml have low bacteria and are labeled green. All water quality data past and present can be found on the Surfrider Foundation website under Blue Water Task Force (BWTF). You can stay updated weekly by signing up for their newsletter here In the event of heavy rainfall it is common to experience brown water events where runoff from upstream flows into the ocean. During these events there is chronic pollution and most areas near streams and river mouths will test red with extremely high bacteria. We advise that the general public once made aware of these brown water events avoid the water when possible because of health risk.
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