District of Columbia

Beaches in District of Columbia

Keep your distance from other people

Practicing social distancing is still essential. Only go to the beach if you are able to keep 6 feet or 2 meters away from others. Follow the instructions provided by your local health authorities. If your community has asked that you remain indoors and away from others, do so. Spending a day in any crowded place is the worst thing we can do for our most vulnerable right now and will counter our efforts to curb the virus’s spread. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ While not an official state, the federal District of Columbia is the political hub for the United States. Serving as the nation's capital, Washington, D.C. is also home to several beautiful natural waters, namely the Potomac River and its two main tributaries, the Anacostia River and Rock Creek. The Potomac River runs 652 km (405 mi) through West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, and D.C, and its watershed encompasses the entire district. It helps form the borders between D.C. and the surrounding states, and has served as a vital source for navigation, food, and recreation for thousands of years. Today it is popular amongst boaters, swimmers, and paddlers alike. The Anacostia River, the largest tributary of the Potomac, stretches 14 km (8.7 mi) through Maryland and D.C. It was long home to the Anacostan Indigenous peoples, and was travelled by some of the earliest European settlers including Captain John Smith. After decades of pollution issues, recent years have seen community groups, local businesses, and government join forces to restore and reclaim the river.

Have you noticed pollution at your local beach? Let us know.