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Surfrider Foundation Vancouver Island/Blue Water Task Force

The Vancouver Island Chapter of Surfrider is an active Swim Guide member and water leader, contributing data to Swim Guide for Vancouver Island and Victoria beaches. Surfrider’s Blue Water Youth Task Force is a volunteer-run water quality monitoring program. “The goals of the program are to promote environmental stewardship our community and ensure safe and healthy access to coastal habitats for generations to come.” Partners in the program include: FUN Society kids camps, YMCA Summer Work Student Exchange, and ȽÁU, WELṈEW̱ Tribal School.

The Blue Water Task Force monitors beaches year round. This fills the gap present in the official monitoring program, which only monitors at the height of the summer. Recreational water users are in the water year round on Vancouver Island, and Victoria releases over 100 million litres of sewage into the water every day. This means the monitoring program of this affiliate contributes in a big way to protecting public health, and documenting the water quality in 15 popular spots on the island. Additionally,Surfrider’s diverse programs focus on education and awareness. One of their hallmark campaigns, Hold On To Your Butt, has helped to bring awareness to the issue of cigarette butt litter that is overwhelmingly present in beach cleanups across the island.

phone:  +1 (250) 885 0464

email: chaptermanager@vancouverisland.surfrider.org

website: vancouverisland.surfrider.org

facebook: facebook.com/surfridervi

twitter: twitter.com/SurfriderVI

address: 2610 Douglas St Victoria, BC V8T 4M1

Have you noticed pollution at your local beach? Let us know.